Key Features

We offer training services to advance your skills, knowledge and expertise, by utilizing our knowhow on a global scale.

  • Anytime, anywhere

    Simply login and enjoy your courses wherever and whenever you like.

  • Exciting experience

    Enjoy lessons with videos, quizzes, webinars, live sessions and so much more.

  • Personalized learning

    Review courses as many times as you want and at your own learning pace.

  • Easy to use

    While building courses or learning, you will always find user-friendly interfaces.

  • Single knowledge database

    Stop wasting time looking for information. Find all the group's courses in one place.

  • Certificates

    Get rewarded for your accomplishments with our course certificates.

Watch our video and learn everything
about e-Learning


  • Are all courses free?

    Unfortunately, not all courses are free. The free courses are those which appear in the Public category and are open to all employees. Paid courses are managed by inter-office compensation, for which you only need to sign up, and then your office will be responsible for the payment.

  • Why are some course Private?

    Private courses are those that are either division specific, i.e. they have content that is only relevant for a specific division, are not free or only accept students who meet specific criteria. These courses do not appear in the Public courses category and require access in order to enroll.

  • How can I enroll in a course?

    To enroll in a Public course simply click on the course's enroll button and start learning. To enroll in a Private course, send an email to the course admin to receive more information on the course and request access.

  • Why do I have course in my dashboard if I didn't enroll?

    Some courses are compulsory for all the group's employees and therefore will automatically appear on your dashboard with no need for previous enrollment.

  • Don't find the course you need?

    Don't worry! You can either create your own course, ask about a course in our eLearning Community (in your Dashboard) or send a course request to [email protected].

  • How can I create a course?

    Only course admins can create courses. If you wish to become a course admin send an email request to [email protected].

  • Can I access this platform on my phone?

    This platform doesn't offer an app yet but is actually fully mobile responsive so you will be able to take your courses on the go from your phone, tablet, or computer using your web browser.

  • Is this a public site?

    Yes, this site is an external option for our clients on a global scale. If you wish to offer courses or upload courses for external parties, please contact us at [email protected] to gain more information about our eLearning external platform.

  • Don't find the answer you're looking for?

    Please contact us at [email protected]. We will be happy to answer your questions to get you up and running with learning in no time.